Exhibition Information

BioTaiwan 2016 Exhibition

Date:2016/7/21 - 2016/7/24
Venue:Taipei World Trade Center Nangang Exhibition Hall 4F (Taiwan)
Taiwan Bio Industry Organization
Taiwan Exhibition & Conference Association
Chan Chao International Co., Ltd.

Promotional Activities
Design a show mascot to reinforce our visual identity.
Mobilize Taiwan representative offices overseas for heavy promotion.
Invite participation from foreign ambassadors and consulates.
Ally with major international exhibition companies overseas, particularly with mainland China.
An estimated 200,000 official invitation emails will be sent to related trading companies, distributors, manufacturers, schools and organizations.
Bio Taiwan 2014 official documents will be sent to R&D institutions, schools and academic medical centers, to invite participation.
Media access and promotion of the event will be heavily encouraged.
Press Conferences
Media conferences in February, mid June and July will be held to promote the exhibition.
Feature advertisements will be published in major newspapers.
Bio Taiwan Editorial Coverage will be aired on major television channels one month prior to the exhibition, and exhibition news will be broadcasted nationwide during the exhibition days.
Intensive exhibition programs will be aired one week in advance.
Publish in relevant domestic and overseas magazines, inviting foreign companies and domestic experts to visit the exhibition.
Advertising Flags
600 exhibition flags will be visible along main roads in Taipei, 15 days before the exhibition opening.
publishing partners will distribute a variety of pamphlets, to be dispatched through faxes, e-mails, regular post and as newspaper inserts.
A widespread online promotion campaign will be undertaken, featuring regular e-news and exhibitions hyperlinks targeting the 42,000 bio-professionals in our database.
Anticipated Results
Attraction of approximately 80,000 visitors, increasing public awareness & interest in biotechnology.
Promotion of biotech concepts in today’s younger generation, preparing them for future involvement.
Introduction of local biotech industries to leading international R&D projects and venture capital firms, allowing the creation of new collaboration.
Acceleration of Taiwan’s globalization aspirations, through contact with overseas companies and venture capitalists.
Publicize Taiwan’s reputation as a leader in global biotechnology and its goal to become an international R&D hub, as well as a manufacturing and operation center of biotechnology products in Asia-Pacific Region.
Encouragement of cross-strait business relationships, in accordance with government policy, by sending special invitations to mainland Chinese biotechnology companies.